Bulk Coupons Generator
Generate thousands of unique coupon codes instantly
₹99 / month
oragnization-icon Developed by Fynd
Extension Features
feature-tick-icon Generate coupons in bulk
Ability to generate coupons with provided coupon prefix code.
feature-tick-icon Manage bulk generated coupons
Manage and update all bulk generated coupons from here only.
feature-tick-icon Export generated coupons
Export created coupons as csv file for further usage
More About Bulk Coupons Generator

Bulk Coupon Generator will help you generate coupons in bulk for sales campaigns for your sales channel. Same can be updated from using this extension only. You can also export generated coupon codes for further usage.

For a Coupon set maximum 50K coupon codes are allowed to be generated

Choose the best pricing plan for your business
Standard Plan
₹99 / month
Generate coupons in larger number
Update generated thounsands of coupons
CSV export generated codes
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