Social Share
Display social icons with easy way on your sales channel.
₹99 / month
oragnization-icon Developed by Fynd
Extension Features
feature-tick-icon Place multiple social icons anywhere.
You can add multiple icons on your sales channel like:- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and 50+ other social icons.
feature-tick-icon Responsive social icons on any device.
Responsive design, works on tablet, mobile and desktop.
feature-tick-icon Full control of your's social icons UI.
Fully customize the look of your social media buttons: choose background and fill color, use square or round icons, adjust the size of icons, add hover effects, and display your social media links horizontally or vertically on your page.
More About Social Share

Social icon extension helps you to add your social media platform icons to a sale channel , The extension is very simple to use all you need is to select the sales channel and then under the behaviour label click on the button (Configure your Application) and then select the type of icon with it's URL. You can add multiple icons on your sales channel like:- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and 50+ other social icons. Fully customize the look of your social media buttons: choose background and fill color, use square or round icons, adjust the size of icons, add hover effects, and display your social media links horizontally or vertically on your page.

Choose the best pricing plan for your business
₹99 / month
Place multiple social icons anywhere.
Responsive social icons on any device.
Full control of your's social icons UI.
Grow your business by installing more extensions
Product Subscription
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Modern Price Ladder
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₹99 / month